In case you haven’t noticed I haven’t had a lot of time to update the site lately. The reason is because we decided in Yellowstone to head straight to Florida (we have family in Florida). There were various reasons that I won’t get into much but we have been driving 300 miles or so every other day including today. So if you’re sitting at work and bored, check out the roll with us page. There’s a good chance we’ll be driving though we only have 2 driving days left before we sit for a while. I got the problems with the front camera worked out and it all works out to cheap chinese components. I use CCTV to siamese CAT5 baluns so that there is only a single cable entering through the roof and those baluns are pretty crappy. I had to resolder the factory solder job on 2 of them and they had various other build issues. The other issue I had was with the $15 ebay DVR card. We’re now using my much older 16 channel card and the quality and reliability is a whole lot better. Once we get settled I’ll start posting back updates for reviews and other stuff. There’s a lot to say about our experiences.
Last modified: 28 February, 2014
Created: 14 September, 2013